Keep it Healthy: Food for Training and Enrichment
So you’ve embraced using food in training (whoohoo!). How do you keep food based enrichment and reinforcement healthy, especially for a pup who is currently receiving a higher than average quantity or who is prone to getting a little hefty?
Enrichment and Behavior
If we could change just one thing to positively impact the lives of dogs in homes and housed in shelters, it would be this: provide regular, varied, species appropriate enrichment.
The Emotional Lives of Shelter Dogs, Part Two
The importance of the connection between shelter dogs and the individuals caring for them cannot be overstated. What happens within these relationships sets the tone for day to day shelter life and what possibilities it does, or does not, hold.
The Emotional Lives of Shelter Dogs, Part One
What is discussed somewhat less often are the emotional lives of shelter dogs. Dogs in shelters spend far too much of their time alone, with little to do. Their lives are more stressful and frustrating than is natural, acceptable, or necessary.