
In Defense of Dogs…
Dog Possible Dog Possible

In Defense of Dogs…

Dog lovers, we have a problem. In fact, we have a slew of them and we know they aren’t all exclusive to the care of our companion animals. Bad information is everywhere. But boy oh boy is the dog behavior field saturated with it.

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Dog Training Secret: It’s Okay To Take the Easy Way!
Dog Possible Dog Possible

Dog Training Secret: It’s Okay To Take the Easy Way!

Behavior change has to be sustainable and stress is an ingredient we want to minimize, not pile on. Try to integrate your dog’s behavior modification into your daily routine in as natural (and enjoyable) a way as possible, take breaks when you need them, and reach out to your trainer for help.

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Neuroplasticity and Behavior Change
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Neuroplasticity and Behavior Change

If you’re wondering whether neuroplasticity really is important to dog training, it absolutely is. And taking a minute to give this post a read might help you better understand a big part of the why behind your dog’s training plan.

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Self-Care and Sustainable Practice for Dog Pros
Dog Possible Dog Possible

Self-Care and Sustainable Practice for Dog Pros

For a lot of us, dog training is our dream job. A passion since childhood turned into a livelihood. Sometimes it’s even the job we left that other more stressful job to do! Many of us are our own bosses. We make our own schedules. We get to hang out with dogs all day. So how in the heck could this be stressful?!

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Create a Comfort Area For Your Dog
Dog Possible Dog Possible

Create a Comfort Area For Your Dog

Do you have a dog who would benefit from having their own space in certain situations? Create a comfort area for them!

A comfort area can help ensure safety, prevent a dog from practicing unwanted behaviors or an emotional state we’re trying to change, and create a better & more successful experience for everyone.

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Why Follow Leash Laws…
Dog Possible Dog Possible

Why Follow Leash Laws…

Let’s look at the reasons a dog may not want to be approached by an off-leash dog no regardless of how friendly or well-trained the off-leash dog’s owners insist he or she is…

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Using Food in Dog Training
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Using Food in Dog Training

So why should you use food in training? In short, it is the single most effective and adaptive training tool you have.

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Keep it Healthy: Food for Training and Enrichment
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Keep it Healthy: Food for Training and Enrichment

So you’ve embraced using food in training (whoohoo!). How do you keep food based enrichment and reinforcement healthy, especially for a pup who is currently receiving a higher than average quantity or who is prone to getting a little hefty?

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Front Loading the Work
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Front Loading the Work

In a nutshell, this means we meet the dog where they really and truly are in the training process and progress at the pace they need us to in order for learning and behavior change to be successful.

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COVID19: Services, Resources, and Policies
Dog Possible Dog Possible

COVID19: Services, Resources, and Policies

To put it mildly, this does in fact stink. To best support you and your dogs during the evolving COVID-19 situation, we are rolling out some proactive policy changes, services, and resources that we will continue to adapt and update to keep pace with community safety.

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