Is the Dog Good with Children?

What is it that we mean when we ask this question? And is there a better way to think about what it takes for dogs to live safely with young children?

Absolutely there are dogs who are more comfortable and savvy with children than others. That is most typically because they have successful prior experience around children but there can be other factors at play too.

But what we need to be careful that we are not asking is, will this dog consistently over time be guaranteed to tolerate any and all behavior from children, even if that behavior is inappropriate? There is no such dog and it is unfair for us to ask there to be.

Safe, positive relationships between dogs and children are a two way street and the success of those relationships hinges on facilitation by the adults in the household.

Do the adults know what safe, positive interactions look like? Will they consistently and proactively facilitate those interactions and take responsibility for keeping both the children *and* the dogs safe and comfortable?

Here is how we’d like to see this question rephrased:

“Does this dog have the potential to live safely and happily with children if the adults in the home commit to facilitating appropriate behavior and safe, kind interactions?”

The answer will then be yes for far more dogs than it will be if what we’re asking is heroic feats of tolerance to behavior the dog may find scary or overwhelming without appropriate support.

Want to learn more about safe interactions between dogs and children? Start here:


“See if the Dog Let’s You Pet Him…”


The Majority of Dogs are Not “Patio Dogs”